Sum Media

Address : NA MAHARASHTRA PUNE Pune City Pune City 411027
Email Company Phone No :+917709479304

Our Marketplace Management Agency specializes in helping businesses maximize their online presence and optimize their marketplaces for success. We provide customized strategies for marketplace marketing, management, and optimization tailored to each individual business. Our team of experts is experienced in creating, implementing, and managing campaigns across a variety of platforms, from Amazon, Walmart and Shopify. We help businesses reach their target audience, boost their sales, and build customer loyalty. With our comprehensive suite of services, we provide everything businesses need to succeed in the eCommerce world.

More Information

  • Type Of Occupation : Employee
  • Status:Director
  • Sub-Status:Company Body Member
  • Category Name:Execution, Operation & Implementation
  • Field : Marketing 
  • Sub Field : Marketing Services Work
  • Sector:Private
  • Form/Level:- Top Level


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Sir Sumeet Doddamani the one and only upcoming entrepreneur.

  • Published: 12/02/2022

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