Anshul aggarwal

Address : 1 MAHARASHTRA PUNE Hinjavadi Mulshi 411057
Email Company Phone No :9079616822

A Programmer Analyst currently working in the field of software development. Have experience in technologies such as dotnet, C#, and SQL.

More Information

  • Type Of Occupation : Employee
  • Status:Employee
  • Sub-Status:Employee
  • Category Name:Fresher
  • Field : Information Technology 
  • Sub Field : Software Services
  • Sector:Private
  • Form/Level:- Junior
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out of 5
4 Rating

Rohitvarma reviewed

ok ji

  • Published: 09/09/2022

Rohitvarma reviewed

g. g by

  • Published: 09/09/2022

Rajveer RajendraDaundkar reviewed

Very nice!

  • Published: 08/24/2022

VaishnavNair reviewed

Genuine and energetic guy with a lot of enthusiasm

  • Published: 08/24/2022

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